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 Spanish Foreign Minister, Miguel Angel Moratinos, said on Tuesday that Morocco has "put on the table" (of negotiations) an autonomy plan that the parties are called to negotiate to achieve a lasting and mutually acceptable solution to the Sahara issue that guarantees the rights of all parties.


The operation of family exchange visits led by the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) between the camps of Tindouf, southern Algeria and southern provinces of the Kingdom, continued Friday with the organization of 5th trip for the year 2009, to and from the province of Laayoune.


Morocco said on Thursday it will receive the new personal envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to the Sahara, Christopher Ross, with the required interest and openness, but within the framework of the national constants.


The Albanian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Edith Harxhi, welcomed Wednesday in Rabat, the "excellent work" done by the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS).


Prime Minister, Abbas El Fassi, who received on Monday visiting Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, Charles Michel, highlighted the "excellence" of relations between the two countries.


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