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Morocco's plan to grant autonomy to its Southern Provinces, known as the Sahara, is "useful" and will help settling the Sahara issue, visiting Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslav Sikorski said on Thursday.


Two advisers from the embassies of Belgium and Sweden in Rabat, held on Wednesday a series of meetings with local officials and civil society actors in Laâyoune, to learn about the situation of human rights in Morocco and more particularly in the southern provinces.


Morocco has accused Algeria of fooling the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) and the International Community, as it claims food needs for the populations in the Tindouf camps, while arming and funding the Polisario.


Moroccan Amnesty International called for trying human rights violators of the Tindouf camps in Algeria.Mr. Mohamed Sektaoui Director-General of Amnesty Morocco in response to a question during a press conference in Rabat, to provide the annual report and kick off "a call for human dignity," held Algeria responsible of the siege imposed on the camps of Tindouf.


The autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty, presented by Morocco, is the best choice for the revitalization of the integration of the Maghreb region, said Thursday in London, Mr. Ahmed Herzenni, president of the Consultative Council on Human Rights (CCDH).


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