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Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Spanish Congress of Deputies, Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida, reiterated, Thursday in Madrid, his support for Morocco's proposal to grant autonomy to its southern provinces as a suitable solution to settle the Sahara issue.


Mexico wants to help find a "negotiated, just and sustainable" solution to the Sahara issue, said on Wednesday in Rabat, the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Espinosa.


Chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) Khalihenna Ould Errachid strongly condemned the behaviour of Aminatou Haidar, who is "supported by a lobby group opposed to the kingdom's territorial integrity."


Morocco has presented its initiative to grant substantive autonomy to its Southern provinces as a "form of extreme regionalization" within a double approach aimed to reach a settlement under the aegis of the United Nations and promote a widened regionalization throughout the Kingdom, said Interior Minister, Chakib Benmoussa.


The Moroccan delegation in the Council of the Socialist International (IS), held Monday and Tuesday in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, called on this organization to "continue to support the dialog between the parties involved in the Sahara issue."


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